Thursday, September 27, 2007

Freestyle Week Tips & Videos

Hello everyone,

I found these clips on YouTube, which is truly a great
resource for all of us. In the coming weeks I'll post
videos of breaststroke and butterfly to correspond to
our stroke weeks.

In the meantime, please watch these clips - they are
all very short (under 30 seconds) so you have no
excuse! Note that all of these swimmers wait for "the
catch", immediately pop their elbows up and out
underwater to pull with their entire forearm, and
accelerate through their pull.

VIDEO 1: American record holder and Olympic silver
medalist Larson Jenson

VIDEO 2: My old teammate, former American record
holder, and 2-time Olymic silver medalist Erik Vendt

VIDEO 3: Not sure who this is, but it's a good slow
motion underwater view from the Olympics

I hope that was informative!

Coach Olver

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